Solari Investment Screens, LLC was founded in 2007 by Catherine Austin Fitts as Solari Investment Advisory Services, LLC. After serving individual and families as an investment advisor, Catherine began providing investment screens to one of the firms that managed money for Solari clients, Parvin Asset Management. As the demand for screen services grew, Catherine decided to focus on providing screens and changed the company name to Solari Investment Screens.
We manage two equity investment screens: Solari World and Solari Space. Interested investors can access our screens through Parvin Asset Management and its affiliates, Parvin is a registered investment advisor based in Sioux Falls, South Dakota.
We share a love and appreciation for enterprises and the people who build and lead them. Well-governed enterprises build enduring wealth – the wealth that supports families, communities and the productivity and innovation that makes civilization go.
Catherine Austin Fitts is managing member. Ricardo Oskam provides research, due diligence, analytics and marketing support.
Our address is:
Solari Investment Screens, LLC
P.O. Box 136
Hickory Valley, TN 38042
Our phone number is 731.764.2515.
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Know what you own and why you own it.
~Peter Lynch